
- The subjunctive is almost identical to the indicative form; however, in some instances it is different and noticeable. It is used when the sentence is hypothetical, or to express something wished for or recommended. The subjunctive is not noticeable after the subject pronoun ‘you’ because the verb form that follows is the same as you would use for the indicative.

Here are common expressions and verbs that indicate a subjunctive verb will be required later in the sentence:

It is best that Advise that Demand that
It is crucial that Insist that Recommend that
It is important that Request that Suggest that
It is a good idea that Ask that Propose that
It is a bad idea that Urge that Command that

- When the subjunctive is noticeable, the verb form usually only changes for the third person pronoun (he, she, it) by dropping the -s. Take this comparison of the indicative and subjunctive conjugations of work as an example.

Indicative Subjunctive
I work I work
You work You work
She/he/it works She/he/it work
We work We work
They work They work

- The subjunctive usually indicates a command or request, wishes, or improbable situations.

It is important that he decide today.
I ask that she be here earlier tomorrow morning.
It’s a bad idea that Kiralyn work all weekend.
They insist that he be the next director of international affairs.