Semicolon use

- We use semicolons to separate two independent clauses that are not connected by a conjunction or another transitional expression. The semicolon works as a light period between the phrases; nonetheless, it keeps the two independent clauses in the same sentence. This is the most common use of the semicolon

The party appeared to be a huge success; all the cake had been eaten quickly.
The children refused to go to bed; they didn’t want to miss the fireworks.

- Make sure that both independent clauses could exist independently of one another. If one of them could not stand as its own sentence, it is not an independent clause and you will need to reword it in order to use a semicolon.

Another case of correct semicolon use is in a long list wherein the clauses already contain commas. Since it would be confusing for the detailed items to be listed with commas, a semicolon is used.

She ran in the morning, without any shoes on; stepped on some glass, which surprised no one; and spent the afternoon getting stitches.

- When a conjunctive adverb is used to link two independent clauses, it is preceded by a semicolon and followed by a comma.

You’re my brother; nonetheless, I feel like you’re taking advantage of me.
Sea turtles are an endangered species; however, many people still illegally kill them and take theirs eggs on beaches around the world.